Taking care of your mental health and well-being is a very important step. The attitude of seeking self-knowledge requires sanity, intelligence, and courage, so congratulations!
The following information will help us make the most of the psychotherapeutic process, so please read it carefully!
The goal of the psychotherapeutic process.
The psychotherapeutic process helps in building new ways of dealing with conflicting situations and feelings, facing challenges, managing difficulties and potentials, promoting transformation in your life.
Within a safe and non-judgmental context, you share what is bothering you and what you would like to change in your life, providing as many details as possible, allowing the psychologist to fully understand the case, considering your life history and the circumstances you are currently facing. Situations are analyzed through a scientific technical lens, appropriate strategies are developed, and some behaviors are reoriented so that you can better organize yourself.
Throughout the sessions, you acquire skills to face limitations that prevent you from achieving your goals. More consciously, having learned to observe yourself through techniques, you will become independent in better managing your behaviors in everyday life.
Psychotherapy is a technique dedicated to personal growth and emotional development, with the purpose of altering negative patterns of thinking and behavior, contributing to improving your overall well-being. The decision to become more aware will bring benefits that will positively resonate in all areas of your life, including the well-being of those around you.
Online Psychotherapy.
Sessions will be 100% online, individualized, and welcoming. Online psychotherapy works just as well as in-person sessions, as the process of both is essentially verbal. Confidentiality and ethics in the service are preserved, and the same knowledge and techniques are applied. It allows individuals to benefit from therapeutic sessions wherever they are, without the need for travel, saving time.
For a better experience in the online session, it is important to have a private space with a good internet connection, free from external interruptions, thus replicating a consultation environment. Using headphones improves the audio clarity and strengthens your privacy. During sessions, avoid engaging in parallel activities. Focus and attention are crucial.
Psychotherapy consists of a medium- to long-term treatment. The client’s commitment is essential for the smooth progress of the sessions and to make the most out of the process. Its frequency is crucial for therapeutic efficiency and results.
Confidentiality regarding what is shared during sessions by clients is guaranteed by the Code of Ethics of Psychologists, except in situations that may jeopardize the client’s integrity or the integrity of others.
The approach and the technique.
The therapy sessions will follow the Cognitive Behavioral approach, a modern approach with scientific validation, focusing on your current life and the problems that are bothering and limiting you. Through the Neuropsychological approach, which understands how neuroadaptive functioning and cortical brain functions alter our mental states, and how our emotional states determine behavior, which in turn, physiologically alter brain functioning.
Behavior, feelings (emotions), and thoughts are directly related. Mind and body collaborate with each other, and our goal will be to identify these variables and act correctively on each of them, for which your collaboration will be necessary.
Throughout the sessions, some explanations will be provided to offer knowledge about behavioral interactions. First, we will understand the demand, how and why it occurs, and we will provide techniques and resources to help you face it. One of the goals of psychotherapy is to provide autonomy so that you can handle your own demands.
Collaborative tasks and behavioral exercises may be assigned, such as some reading, writing exercises, or even experimenting with and practicing certain behaviors or social interactions. Attention, dedication to the sessions, and commitment to the tasks that may be proposed will contribute to the psychotherapeutic process and help you handle your demands.
The stages of psychotherapy.
- Identifying demands and welcoming: What are your reasons for seeking psychotherapy? What is bothering you at this moment in your life? Understand your personal history, analyze symptoms, and develop a diagnostic hypothesis.
- Defining goals: The psychotherapist and the client work together to establish goals they want to work on and behaviors they wish to modify, guiding the sessions with a focus on objectives.
- Reviewing your past life history: Analyze situations, memories, traumas, and past experiences from your life history to understand how you are organized and what contingencies are currently operating, producing, maintaining, and perpetuating inappropriate and unwanted behaviors and feelings. Identify attitudes and behaviors that, consciously or unconsciously, produce an effect or response opposite to the expected, contributing to the vicious perpetuation of a problem.
- Developing new behavioral skills: Through the application of techniques, develop the necessary skills to change behaviors, feelings (emotions), and limiting beliefs that may be hindering your life, thus acquiring the psychological conditions to move toward a more satisfying life.
- Putting the learnings into practice: Gradually, you will receive guidance to adopt new attitudes in your routine, which will help overcome emotional barriers and difficulties. After acquiring the necessary skills to cope with your problems, you will be able to interact with the world in a healthier way, achieving the goals established at the beginning of therapy.
- Ending therapy: When the goals of therapy are achieved, it is likely that emotional suffering will diminish, indicating the appropriate time to end treatment. Once the cycles that fueled the problems are broken and with the knowledge and new skills acquired, you will be able to continue your life and face daily adversities without directly depending on the psychologist’s support.
What will be the frequency and duration of the sessions?
The frequency of psychotherapy depends on each client’s needs, possibilities, and availability, and the days and times will be agreed upon mutually. In general, sessions occur once a week, and over time, they may become biweekly. In special cases, they may occur more than once a week.
Sessions will last 50 minutes. Your time slot will be reserved for you, and in case of delays, the time will not be extended. If you do not attend, the time is still valid, and the full fee will be charged because the psychotherapist will be available during that period. In case you need to be absent, inform with at least 24 hours’ notice for rescheduling, except in cases of emergency. Remember, the responsibility to remember the psychotherapy schedule lies with the client.
Prolonged absences for vacations, breaks, etc., must be communicated in advance so that the days and times are not reserved, except in cases of illness. Absences for more than two consecutive sessions without prior agreement will result in the termination of this agreement and the loss of the time slot.
The vacation period will include a festive break for Christmas and New Year, as well as a period during the year that may be divided into two parts, always subject to prior agreement between both parties.
Fees, dates, and payment methods.
The fees must be paid to the psychotherapist by the 10th (tenth) of each month or at the end of each session, via bank deposit to the following account: Banco Itaú 341, Agency 9098, Account 03.201-5, or through PIX key: For payments made from abroad in foreign currency, please request the IBAN Code and Swift Code. Any transfer fees will be the responsibility of the client. All accounts are under the name of the psychotherapist Edmar Fernando Pigato, and the proof of transfer or deposit will serve as proof of fulfillment of the obligation. The amounts will be agreed upon and may be adjusted with a 30-day prior notice.
Sessions that are conducted and those reserved where the absence has not been communicated with at least 24 hours’ notice will be charged. In case of payment delays, sessions may be interrupted, and your preferred time slot may be filled.
Either party can terminate this agreement at any time, provided there is prior communication so that the professional can conclude the therapeutic relationship, provide the necessary feedback, and, if necessary, make the appropriate referral.
The legal bases for online psychotherapy.
In November 2018, Resolution 011/2018 of the Federal Council of Psychology came into effect, which regulates, registers, and authorizes professionals for online service delivery.
The services will be provided in accordance with Law 8.078/90 regarding the provision of services by independent professionals and the Professional Ethics Code of Psychologists No. 10/2005 of the Federal Council of Psychology.
I count on you for us to succeed in the psychotherapeutic process!
Fernando Pigato CRP 06.78/707